December 03, 2018

[EMS] Finished scrolling!

Hi guys! Yesterday I've finished my Rex's Perfect Red Earrings, but I didn't have time to put some effort in writing a blogpost until today. This is the last item that still had slots left, which means I'm finished with scrolling on my Hero!

I've been using this Rex's Perfect Red Earrings for almost five years now! Readers who've been following my blog since 2012 might remember I managed to obtain my Hyena mount back then. The Resurrection of the Hob King Party Quest is definitely something that has been of importance to my Maple career. I mean, it's hard to discard that when you've done this PQ over 900 times in a lifetime on the same character. In total, I've spent way over 80 hours on this PQ... and I've played through pretty much each revamp a few hundred times, even contributing to a few level ups!

Anyway, the attack gains on this item has been somewhat decent. These gains didn't start out great, but fortunately I had some good rolls later on so it redeemed itself in the end. As mentioned on my blog often: you should try to aim for a 2 attack gain per slot average to be in a "safe zone". Less than 2 average can be considered bad luck, more than 3 requires quite some luck, so 2 is the most realistic to expect I guess.

I didn't manage that here, but the stats will definitely do the job regardless. I mean, the attack gains per equipment might not be huge individually, but once you start to accumulate the gains on a total of thirteen equipment...

Did you know that despite I've been working on this Ribgol build since 2008, this is the first time I've managed to scroll all slots? Despite that I've been working on the same build for ten years, the specific layout itself has changed a couple of times in total. However, the fundamentals behind the reasoning of what type of equipment I choose and how I upgrade them remain more or less the same at its core. I've been looking forward to this moment, and I've had to be very patient before I got to this milestone.

So, with all of my slots decked out, what's next? The next thing in line is working on my Potential, which I have been working on every now and then. I'm not expecting any fast progress on this though because it's way more RNG based than scrolling is. And you should probably know by now that RNG isn't my strongest suit. Fortunately, being stubborn until it gets to work is a thing I'm good at.

All things considered, the output of my build has been satisfying and according to plan. Although my build has been designed to work hand-in-hand with everything else, and there's still a lot left to upgrade. So I still have a long way to go before I really see the results of that long term effort.

That's it for this post - I'll see you guys again Friday!

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