January 01, 2024

[EMS] Level 280!

Ding! As usual, the coincidental annual tradition of a level up starting the new year. I could've easily hit Level 280 yesterday but I couldn't be bothered grinding 3% manually because today was going to reset Guild Castle, anyway.

Reaching Level 280 means one thing: Arteria! I've unlocked my fifth Grandis Symbol. One left to go! To be honest, when Arteria was revealed during the New Age livestream, I kinda shrugged it off, like what happened with the past Grandis Symbol releases. To my surprise, I ended up really liking Arteria as a story chapter because it has one of my favorites in writing: lots of character growth. Unlike the Arcane River, every chapter in Continental Grandis moves the story, world building and the characters forward. Ever since Karotte I've only been more eager to unlock the next as the writing quality has improved over the past couple of years (except that one time with NT2). Best part is that a lot of existing NPCs that were pretty inconsequential and flat are now given actual character and depth. Aint that great?
At this rate Twilight Perion will come true and Plan B is a grand success. As Will, member of Monad, has prophesized.

Anyway, the next goal is Level 285 - which unlocks Carcion. How long that'll take, I don't know. However, the Dreamer update is going to weigh in a lot with Sol Janus giving an absurd amount of passive EXP. I believe it's reasonable to expect 285 before the end of the year, as I've always been diligent with my dailies and I'll continue to do so. Now, if you don't mind, I'll get back to work. It's time to continue where I left the Destiny blogpost off... which is chapter 7.3.3.

That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!