October 17, 2018

[EMS] Ark - 5th Job's fourth wave!

It is finally here! Wait a minute.

Am I not extremely late with this blogpost, given the Ark update was released late June? Yeah, I definitely am. However, even if the Black update will be here in about a month... there is one skill from the Ark update that I refuse to ignore.

The Ark update introduced only a single 5th Job skill that many players won't even get their hands on, because it is unlocked after Level 235. And well, I've only hit Level 235 last week, so it was impossible for me to write a proper blogpost about it back when the Ark update came out.

The majority of Maple's community do not consider the Ark update to have a legit 5th Job skill wave, but I will have to disagree on this one. Today's blogpost will mainly about that one skill that people either don't know it exists or refuse to acknowledge it despite the game clearly considers it a full 5th Job skill: Spider in Mirror.

But before we dive into that web of information, there are also some other interesting 5th Job-related things to write about that came with the Ark update that I simply cannot avoid because they are also of importance.

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Matrix Points: Level 30 skills!

The Ark update did not only introduce Spider in Mirror, but also the Matrix Point system.

For each level after Level 200, you gain one Matrix Point which you can invest in your 5th Job's Matrix. Each Matrix Point increases the base Matrix slot's level by 1, and you can increase a slot's level by a total of 5. This essentially means that 5th Job skills can now get to a maximum of Level 30, instead of the usual Level 25.

This change is significant, as that results in certain skills to even have a more favorable duration increase or cooldown reduction. However, keep in mind that increasing the maximum skill levels for 5th Job Nodes is entirely optional and the game will not allow you to increase all your skills/enhancements by 5 levels.

At Level 250, you're going to have 13 slots and only enough points to increase 10. Fortunately, the Matrix Points go into the slots and not into the Nodes themselves. This means that you can improve a slot to Level 5, use it with one skill and swap it later to use it with another skill if you've changed your mind. There's also an option to reset the Matrix Point distribution at the cost of mesos.

Anyway. In Hero's case, the option to increase skills to Level 30 results into the following:
  • Sword of Burning Soul: five additional levels means three additional seconds to play around with this skill. The damage reinforcement on Sobs from Level 25 to 30 is +55%~70% per line, depending on the variant. Absolutely a must-have improvement.
  • Aura Weapon: Ten additional seconds! At Level 30, Aura Weapon has a cooldown of only 40 seconds. You also gain one additional percentage of Final Damage, which is great for warrior classes that have a lot of multipliers and/or lines. Last but not least: the crescent's damage is also improved by 5% per line. Aura Weapon probably benefits the most out of Matrix Points in Hero's case, due to the "two seconds per level" increase for it.
  • Blitz Shield: Barrier's HP is increased to 21% at Level 30. The damage of the explosion clocks at 1100% per line, which is one of the highest skill damage in the game for Hero. Consider this a valuable improvement due to the higher barrier HP.
  • Combo Death Fault: Combo Death Fault's damage is improved by 160% per line. The skill already hits extremely hard, so this further reinforcement is nice... but not mandatory.
  • Body of Steel: Its duration is improved by a single second and you're allowed to have 11 stacks. Some additional passive STR/HP, and the Status Resistance clocks at +80. If you already run Body of Steel: it's perhaps better to improve this skill than to improve Combo Death Fault or any of the Erda skills...
  • Erda Shower: Erda Shower's damage is reinforced by 75% per line. Even at Level 25 does Erda Shower clock as one of the highest-damage-hitting-skills for most classes, so kinda like Combo Death Fault, it's hard to justify investing into this one when others might need it more.
  • Erda Nova: Erda Nova's cooldown and damage is slightly improved, but not by a landslide. Level 30 has a still rough cooldown of 310 seconds, but it's definitely a welcomed improvement over the 397 seconds cooldown at Level 1. If you can afford the Matrix points for it, it's not such a bad investment. Just not a very efficient investment, that is.
  • Will of Erda: Will of Erda is a bit of a conundrum: Level 30 has a reduced cooldown, but it still clocks at 330 seconds. Only get it if you can afford it, or unless you absolutely need it.
  • Blink: Blink is an interesting case. At Level 25, it has a cooldown of 40 seconds. The skill is far from popular, as almost nobody uses it. At Level 30, it has a cooldown of 35 seconds. Hmm, this sounds a lot better. But still, Blink is Blink. If only it had a cooldown of 3 seconds, or a consistent minimum teleport distance or something...
  • Rope Lift: Not going to bother. Don't invest any Matrix Points in this skill.
  • Spider in Mirror: Only the damage of both "Space Collapse" and "Spider in Mirror" are improved. The damage on Space Collapse will definitely pierce the heavens of Maple World and split the sky in two, with a whopping 1650% damage at Level 30... twelve times! The cooldown and duration remain the same, unfortunately.
So, the obvious answer to "where should I invest my Matrix Points" is simple: put the priority in your enhancement nodes, Sword of Burning Soul and Aura Weapon first. It's best to invest in the most important skills first.

But even if you somehow manage to run six enhancement nodes for all pre-5th Job Hero skills with Sobs/AW, you will still have a couple of 5th Job skills left to choose from to spend those leftover points in.

Assuming you choose to only run the commonly suggested pair of Raging Blow/AFA/Rage Uprising and not run three pairs of enhancements, you would still have the opportunity to increase 8 other skills. I would say there are four different groups of priorities, in the following order: "Must-haves" as the highest priority, "Simple is effective" as second, "In-between cases" as third and "Only if you can afford it" at last place.
  • "Must-haves" choices are straightforward. Enhancements nodes, Sword of Burning Soul and Aura Weapon go here. Anything that is just way too good or that impacts your general gameplay too much. Use your common sense, y'know.
  • Usually I would recommend to choose improving durations/cooldowns over simple damage reinforcements, but I wouldn't say that improving skills as Combo Death Fault or Erda Shower for the damage alone to be a waste. Since you're going to use Combo Death Fault a lot as Hero, 160% per line is a lot more than it sounds by virtue of how often you're going to use it. Compared to reducing the cooldown of Erda Nova or Will of Erda, their cooldowns still remain rather tough, so you won't be able to see much improvement on a practical perspective. Short cooldowns means frequent use. "Simple is effective" sums it up.
  • "In-between cases" such as Spider in Mirror, Body of Steel and the soon-to-be-released Combo Instinct where the damage or buffs are reinforced but the cooldown and duration remain the same, but it greatly improves the skill's effectiveness and efficiency. Usually these skills tend to have a long cooldown, so make sure that every second counts.
  • Skills like Erda Nova and Will of Erda seem to always have a long cooldown, no matter what level it is. That is why having them at max level or going beyond that when you can is always more than welcome. But "only if you can afford it".
Don't forget: whatever you put in your higher level Matrix slots is not set permanently. You can always change this whenever you feel like it. Changes with 5th Job skills will happen, and new 5th Job skills can always appear out of nowhere! Don't be afraid to try things out.

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Blitz Shield: One adjustment changes it all!

When Blitz Shield came out with the Beyond update, one particular issue the skill had was how the HP of the barrier was calculated. You would consume more HP than the barrier would give, while the skill description intends to make it clear that the barrier's HP is more than the amount you would need to consume.

Either way, Nexon has fixed this particular issue. Blitz Shield's barrier HP now gives a solid amount of health in return, which allows us to immediately survive a single attack each 15 seconds that would've been lethal if it weren't for how the barrier mechanic works in Maple. But this also means that it is possible to use heavy HP-consuming skills after casting Blitz Shield (i.e. casting Blitz, using Erda Shower and then explode the shield somewhere else), which previously was impossible because HP-consuming skills would immediately get rid of the barrier due to its low HP.

Plus, they also managed to solve a small-but-annoying performance issue that occurred between Nova and Ark which caused an erratic behavior where exploding the shield became unresponsive through the skill key.

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Erda Nova: One adjustment changed nothing!
(which actually is a good thing for once)

Remember when I declared that there was probably a developer oversight with Erda Nova and that I would return to verify how it has changed in behavior with Ryude's Sword after that oversight was rectified in EMS? Well, you probably might not recall that and I won't blame you if that was the case.

Anyway, Erda Nova has been readjusted so that it only affects a single target now and that it can no longer be expanded to target multiple enemies. But fortunately Erda Nova has gotten itself into a Combo Hookshot scenario where Ryude's Sword still applies for the bonus line, even if the skill affects a single target. Good for you, Ryude users!

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New Skill: Spider in Mirror!

Time for the main beef of this blogpost! The skill Spider in Mirror (also goes by the name "True Arachnid Reflection" in some versions) is a skill that's oriented to hit hard and continue to harass enemies after launching the initial hit.

When you use the skill, you fire a full screen AoE that affects 15 targets. This first part of the skill is called Space Collapse (or "Spatial Collapse"), and it is one of the strongest attacks in the entire game. At Level 25, it hits with 1500% damage twelve (!) times. Proportion-wise, that is twice the damage of Combo Death Fault, six times the damage of base Snipe or four times the damage of base Genesis.

After using Space Collapse, you spawn the eponymous Spider in Mirror summon (also goes by the names "True Arachnid Reflection" and "Mirror Spider") at the location where Space Collapse was fired. For the sake of convenience and to avoid confusion, I'll just use the MSEA name for this part of the skill and thus refer the summon as "Mirror Spider" in this blogpost. The summon itself is that big red ominous eye that you're going to see in more clearly in the next few images.

Mirror Spider is probably the most important part of the whole Spider in Mirror skill, and might be the main appeal for Maplers wanting to use it. That "Mirror Spider" is a summon-based install that aggressively targets nearby enemies one-by-one in a relentless barrage for a total of 50 seconds. To the more experienced players out there: in terms of functionality, Mirror Spider can be compared with Wild Hunter's "Hunting Assistant Unit" skill.

The barrage part of the skill goes entirely automatic and the summon will act on its own accord after it appears. It doesn't slack off as it continuously searches for nearby targets to attack with very short intervals between attacks.

However, the continuous firing is not for the entirety of that 50 seconds duration, as Mirror Spider goes in a continuous cycle of going on/off. Imagine that the skill has a magazine that it will fire for a total of three seconds ("active mode") and that it has to forcefully reload for another three seconds ("reload mode") until it can return to its "active mode". How that part functions is better explained with the following video:

Mirror Spider's onslaught starts almost instantly when it is summoned, and it will go to "reload mode" when either following requirements have been met:
  • The summon has been in "active mode" for a total of three seconds, regardless whenever if it has done anything
  • The summon has hit 10 different enemies in less than three seconds
  • The summon has hit a same target with five separate attacks in less than three seconds
When Mirror Spider is in "reload mode", it also appears differently in colors and shape.

As you can tell from the video, the vertical reach of the barrage is absolutely nuts. The horizontal reach is not as large as you might expect it to be, but it will definitely do the job.

Here's a good challenge for you: try to find where the summon was installed in the GIF above. If you can find it, then you can probably tell the potential that this skill has for mobbing.

The attack pattern from Mirror Spider has an interesting approach and it is unusual from other summons in MapleStory: it prioritizes quantity over quality. The "spider legs" themselves can only hit a single target each, and for each "active mode" it can only fire a maximum of ten legs before it goes back into "reload mode". Because of this, it seems like Nexon has programmed the skill to hit as many different nearby enemies as possible, instead of setting the priority on hitting the same target over again. In combination with the quick-responsive behavior of the skill, it always aims for maximum efficiency and that as long as there are enough alive targets nearby, it's rare to not run out of legs within the three second "time limit".

This causes the skill to excel in one particular purpose with bossing: getting rid of those annoying and pesky summons.

And this particular aggressive skill behavior where it can only hit only single targets is a good thing because its refresh rate for seeking new targets happens each time between individual attacks. So when a boss would summon new enemies, it won't take long until Mirror Spider has dealt with them before they will can cause any harm to you. As long as the skill isn't in "reload mode", that is.

Another important thing to mention about the leg attacks themselves is that their damage output is excellent. Level 1 already starts with 182% damage 8 times. Doesn't sound like much on paper, but it's surprisingly good. Like, Raging Blow-good. With bursting being such a common thing nowadays, having those extra lines is definitely welcome. It's hard to justify not to use this skill when you (bind) burst, because the AoE itself does a ridiculous amount of damage to begin with - you even get the legs *after* that for free as well! At Level 30, the legs do even more damage than base Raging Blow does. And it also gets all the multipliers like Raging Blow or Sobs does!

And most importantly, in Hero's case: the legs benefit a lot from Enrage because the barrage attacks enemies individually and not "a couple of enemies at once", so that completely negates the drawback of using Enrage since it forces every skill to become a single-target-attack. So the legs will allow Hero to defeat surrounding summons during bosses without having to switch off Enrage when Mirror Spider is active, but to also make the legs that hit the bosses contribute as well...

Ryude's Ruling
"Does Ryude's Sword work with Spider in Mirror?"

As a recurring column for new 5th Job skills on this blog, we're going to look if the Spider in Mirror skill works with Ryude's Sword!

Yes it works! Kind of... It works with Space Collapse, because it is just a normal AoE skill like Combo Death Fault, Erda Shower, Blitz Shield and Shout... It can charge Combo Orbs, but it cannot trigger Aura Weapon or Sobs.

... but it does not work with the actual spider legs, so no. Ryude does not work with Mirror Spider because the legs are like Sword of Burning Soul: a summon. That also means the legs do not charge any Combo Orbs, trigger Sobs or Aura Weapon.

So, to be 100% accurate:

"Does Ryude's Sword work with Space Collapse?"
Yes, it does.

"Does Ryude's Sword work with Mirror Spider?"
No, it doesn't.

"Does Ryude's Sword work with Spider in Mirror?"
Yes and no.

So, Spider in Mirror seems to be a good attacking skill that not only has potential for getting rid of annoying summons, but is also good for adding additional hits during boss runs and it is even useful for mobbing purposes! The damage output of the leg barrage is significant enough to matter and the AoE does an exceptionally high damage that it's a good burst opener.

However, there's that "but". Like with most (5th Job) skills, there are some drawbacks.

One of the major flaws of this skill is the painful 250 seconds cooldown with the summon duration for Mirror Spider to be limited at 50 seconds. These values are set in stone and they do not change, no matter what level the skill is.

The summon duration of 50 seconds is further limited due to the continuous cycle between "active" and "reload" modes. To add insult to injury: as with all summons in the game, you lose it when you die. Buff Freezers can only save buffs. They cannot save summons. You'll also lose the skill when you swap maps/channels or when you disconnect. So dying with a deployed Mirror Spider during a boss run hurts.

You can only unlock this skill after you've completed the story chapter for Esfera, which unlocks only after Level 235. And that only gives you a Level 1 of the Spider in Mirror skill. You cannot craft Spider in Mirror with Nodestones, and Spider in Mirror can only be obtained through "Mirror World Nodestones", that exclusively drops from Hard Will. At least did Nexon go through the effort of giving these red Nodestones an unique opening animation.

These specialized Nodestones are quite expensive, and you're going to need a total of 54 of these in order to max out Spider in Mirror. You can always buy one from your local Auction House, but remember: you can only use these until after you've achieved the "The ultimate light can be found in the ultimate darkness" achievement (which is *after* completing Esfera's story chapter). If you play Reboot, then you're stuck with doing a year worth of weekly Hard Wills to get this thing to Level 25.

Yes, I know that Green Nodestones are a thing - but we'll get back to this with the next skill wave blogpost.

Spider in Mirror is because of all of these drawbacks only a skill that will truly shine in careful, experienced hands. Level 1 (or Level 1+5) is definitely good enough by itself, but you have to learn to find those effective and/or efficient situations where you want to use it. But as long as its cooldown and duration remains something to be left desired, it will be stuck in a limbo together with Body of Steel - if you have the space for it in your Matrix, consider it a good option, but not a priority.

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Ark's only 5th Job skill is a real fun skill to play around with. It has potential to be a good skill and there is plenty of situations where it will be handy. It looks awesome, and the sound effects are cool. But it also desires to demand a small buff, like most middle-tier 5th Job skills.

Spider in Mirror hasn't been received well by the community unfortunately, as it still has some mixed opinions about it. Kinda like how Body of Steel and Erda Shower have been received since day 1. Erda Shower has only gotten more popularity and some slight recognition over time, but still has a long way to go.

Because of the 250 second cooldown, it is easy to forget that Mirror Spider is really useful when it is deployed. This skill could easily become too good (or, too lazy) if the cooldown and duration were to be improved. I would say that the damage is just right, but maybe the cooldown should've been a bit lower. But hey, for a free skill (that every class has access to) that the game rewards you for completing the Arcane River chapter before the events of Tenebris, this isn't a bad one!

Spider in Mirror is thus a perfect example of a balanced 5th Job skill. It isn't game breaking, it doesn't suck and it isn't a jack-of-all-trades. You cannot use it all the time, but when you do, you will notice its impact. It just needs to be used at the right place - and the right time.

Aside from Spider in Mirror, the Matrix Point system is definitely a more-than-welcome addition to the main experience of 5th Job. If only it was possible to go beyond Level 30... But at least for now, I have an even faster Puncture than before. As if that skill hasn't been buffed enough, dammit.

That's it for this skill wave! I'll get back to these blogposts when the Black update is here for the next skill wave - one that will introduce a new Combo skill: Combo Instinct! I'll see you guys again next post!

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