March 30, 2016

[EMS] The consumption of 1.000.000 Honor EXP

Hi guys! Here's a status report about my Inner Ability progress! Just a few hours ago, I have consumed a total of 1.000.000 (!) Honor EXP points on my character since the You & I update.

I know that my blogposts about Inner Ability has been quite lacking in the past 13 months (with the last actual decent blogpost about it back in February 2015) - and the reason for that is unfortunately quite simple. I haven't obtained my second (or third) preferred Inner Ability line yet; but do not worry - I am still working daily towards achieving it.

In case you might have forgotten or if you are new to these blogposts (don't worry, both are fine), I'm trying to aim for an Inner Ability of "Increases Skill Level of passive by 1", "Numbers of enemies hit by multi-target-skills by 1" and "Attack Speed +1 Level".

Since the You & I update has arrived in the winter of 2014, I have been tracking my Inner Ability progress manually. There isn't really a tracking system in most games for things like this, now is there? I'm not keeping track of just only how much Honor EXP I have consumed, I also use this data to improve my basic knowledge to the game. There's a difference between reading websites and seeing it for yourself, right? See below in the spoiler.
Spoiler HTML code

As you can see in the chart, it seems I actually was quite lucky with obtaining my first Inner Ability line - or perhaps, I might have been unlucky with obtaining my second? Either way, I have only shuffled 71 times in the Legendary rank. Which is to most Maplers, considered not really a lot, I guess.

Because MapleStory as an online game keeps developing further, the resources for Honor EXP has changed,
new ones have been added and also have been adjusted over time too - Kerberos used to give a rich amount of Honor EXP until the Star Force update (which was approximated about 1600 Honor EXP a day just for beating him a mere total of 6 times), whereas today a combination of two Normal Zakum, two Normal Horntail, two Normal Hilla, one Mori Ranmaru and one Easy Magnus wouldn't even get close to that (approximated between 800 and 1200 a day).

Despite that, I'm still doing all of those bosses on a daily basis (within the past year, only have missed out a day or five at maximum) - and I'm glad to see that there will be some increase to the amount of Honor EXP that Honor Medals gives in the future.

Hey, the thing about shuffling Inner Ability is, that anyone can get their preferred lines as long as they keep working for it eventually. That would only leave two questions: how much Honor EXP would you need in total, and when will it happen?

That's it for today guys! Please don't forget that the first of April is our only official day off, so don't expect anything on that day on this blog or on our Youtube channel. Unless Lux wants to fool around like a salami on his Twitter, but hey, that's up to him. See you again next post!

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