March 03, 2013

[TF2] The High Road & Current loadout

Hi guys! My holiday's almost over, and I got back into Team Fortress 2 lately. I haven't played TF2 a lot in the past 15 months, since I was playing MapleStory Europe and Borderlands 2 often (and you can only spend your time in one game at a time). Therefore I did not have much time left for Team Fortress 2.

Recently I've achieved the achievement The High Road! This achievement is basically an achievement where you have to be lucky to just have that opportunity to unlock it. For achieving The High Road, you need to Sticky Jump (blasting yourself away into great distances by detonating stickybombs on yourself) and land on a Capture Point, but also capturing the point itself. I have three Demoman achievements left to have completed the entire Demoman achievement pack. I'm really worried about getting Tam O'shatter and Scotch Guard.

Tam O'shatter is a really hard achievement to unlock since you have to destroy 5 enemy Engineer buildings in one ÜberCharge (grants either invincibility, instant criticals, resistances or fast healing, depending on the Medic's weapon) from a Medic. First you just have to find two Engineers which have set-up 5 buildings (since one Engineer only can set up a max of 4 buildings at once). Second you have to have a Medic who is assisting you. Third is that you have to destroy those 5 buildings in 8 seconds (because an ÜberCharge is 8 seconds). It is possible, and actually the best way to do this is having a buddy in the same server as a Medic (while he is healing other teammates, he will help you with the achievement).

Scotch Guard isn't really a hard achievement at all, but I'm worried about a strange thing that occurs when I'm trying to unlock it. Scotch Guard requires you to kill 3 enemies which are capping a point or pushing a cart, three separate times within a single Stickybomb detonation. This may sounds easy, and yes, it is easy. Though when I try to detonate and did kill 3 enemies, I did not gain 1/3 of the achievement at all. I still do not know how I did not gain 1/3.

Well enough about achievements for this post. Some people asked me about my Demoman loadout, and thus, I will explain and show my current loadout. I use a Strange Grenade Launcher, a Strange Stickybomb Launcher and a Strange Ullapool Caber. My clothing varies between a combination of the Samur-eye + Menpo + Battery Bandolier or just a regular Conjurer's Cowl. You can find more information about my Team Fortress 2 inventory here.

Well guys, have a nice day and until next post!

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