November 09, 2018

[EMS] Fifth Level 15 Arcane Symbol GET!

Sup guys! Today I've hit my fifth Level 15 Arcane Symbol! This time it's the Arcane Symbol for the Morass region, which is one of the more consistent symbols to level up.
Personally I prefer leveling symbols such as the one from Morass: you have a bunch of daily fetch/kill quests, and you get a consistent reward from it. The EXP is solid (at least more than daily bosses) and there's always chance to find a Nodestone. Road of Vanishing and Esfera share the same concept, by the way.
Although that said, it doesn't necessarily go faster than the dailies from Chew Chew Island, Lacheln or Arcana once you're done a lot of them. But y'know, Dream Breaker and Spirit Savior have quite some risk involved (especially the latter) in terms of how many symbols you get each day. At least the daily symbols from those *can* be higher than the safer ones, so I guess certain risk is rewarded - although I'm stuck at Floor 40 with Dream Breaker, so I don't necessarily benefit much from that bonus.
Anyway, my Morass symbol should be done next Summer. But a couple of weeks before that, my Lacheln symbol should hit Level 20. Despite the eternal slow progress on it in my case... I've been doing daily Dream Breaker runs since day 1 through the power of discipline, so I'll get it maxed out eventually.
With the Black update arriving next week, I can start doing the Esfera dailies soon. But what's also soon is that fifth skill wave, and I'm certain that you frequent readers are looking forward to my coverage on that one!
So, the important question of it all: when will I hit Level 20 with all six Arcane Symbols? According to my current calculation, it should be done before the end of 2019. I wonder how many Maplers worldwide will reach that whopping 1320 Arcane Force... At least I know I will be one of them.
That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!

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