April 09, 2018

[EMS] 15 Star Force on all Sengoku equipment!

Hi guys! Just a small blogpost for today.

As mentioned with my previous post regarding the "Star Squad 13" events, I've poured some of my budget in getting my equipment to 15 Star Force each. At least, the equipment that can go up to 15, which are only my Amaterasu's and my Sengoku Hakase Badge.

Might not entirely be the best or efficient way to spend my mesos, but at least the Star Squad 13 event does give me some opportunity to make it worth my while. I mean, I had to do this 15 Star Forcing eventually, right?

So, yesterday, the maximum Galaxy Stars you could obtain was double the daily limit. It would take about 1 billion mesos worth of Star Forcing to reach the normal daily cap (which is 200), and because it took me 1 billion to get both my Amaterasu's Armor and Gloves to 15 each, I honestly didn't expect too much with only a projected budget of 2 billion for just 400 Galaxy Stars.

Funny enough, I actually got all of the remaining equipment to 15 with only 400 million mesos! No, I'm not kidding. I'm still surprised about that one. If I remember correctly, only my Amaterasu's Cape took a couple of attempts - everything else just went from 14 to 15 without failure. Like, wait what... how does that even work?

What happened with the other 1.6 billion mesos that I had left?

Well, I thought it might be a wise decision to just prepare some gear for mules, as I will eventually work on getting more characters to Level 200 for those Union cards. So I did prepare a shitload of Sengoku equipment, all of which went to 11 Star Force each because I don't really see the need in getting those stuff all the way to 15. This should definitely do the trick...

Anyway, I've spent more than enough mesos in Star Forcing for now, and I also don't have much items of interest left to purchase from the Star Squad 13 event store. Might as well do some Rail Rush for gaining the remaining Galaxy Stars, given some friends requested me to give it a try so they can compare their high scores with mine. I am looking forward to the next half of the Star Squad 13 events though, which should hit EMS later this month!

That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!

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