May 12, 2022

[EMS] First Legendary Additional Potential / 21st Legendary Potential GET!

Hi guys! With another coin shop event, comes another batch of Additional Potential Cubes. This batch was enough to get my Ribgol to Legendary Additional Potential! This marks my first item to have a Legendary Additional Potential, as all of my other items are still only at Rare or Epic. In total, it took between 60 and 80 cubes to get it to Legendary.

In addition, I've managed to rank up my Berserked to Legendary Potential on the same day! "Wait a minute, you have a Berserked?", you might ask? Yes, this is fairly recent too - after about 70 Hard Lotus runs, it finally dropped on April Fool's day (which is amusing because the achievement unlock on my account is set on this date forever).

With all of my main equipment at Legendary Potential again, I'm going to continue rolling for items with three %-STR. I'm also going to re-scroll my Berserked with the same as my other accessories: the Premium Attack scrolls. I should have that done towards the end of the Destiny update. While I have no idea on how I'm going to obtain a Cursed Red Spellbook and a Source of Suffering with the current trade restrictions, I'm going to indefinitely save up mesos anyway, because you can never have enough mesos. Either way, I'm going to toss the next batches of Additional Potential Cubes on my Ribgol and see if I can get something fancy. I should also hit Level 263 somewhere in June.

Now, if you excuse me, I'm going to wrap myself in bubble plastic because I'm pretty sure that I've used up several months of good fortune in order to have this moment. Oh, right: now that the Multirandomness video is out, I've slowly started to resume my work on the Xenoblade Definitive Edition article again. About time.

That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!

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