November 05, 2017

[EMS] Eighth Legendary Potential GET!

Hi guys! In preparation for next year's Murgoth event, I've decided to take a small sidetrack to change what items I think would be best to get to Legendary first. Usually this wouldn't really "matter" that much as I would prefer to get everything to Legendary before I would start pouring lots of Meister cubes on everything, but having certain items on Legendary as soon as possible does mean I can add certain Legendary-tier lines to my active layout that I'm using right now.

As mentioned in my Mu Gong Soul Collector blogpost a few days ago, getting ten Mu Gong shards each day is unlikely to happen, even with an unrealistic amount of drop rate increase. However, any chance that I can increase, is better than leaving it as it is. I'm usually not one to choose to run % Item Droprate in my build, but with the Murgoth event, my own sense of honor would stand in my way of achieving what could otherwise potentially push me back another year if I don't make as good use of a short fourteen days of a single annual event. I know that the results are still heavily reliant on RNG, but I'd rather not miss this chance.

Fun fact: my Ani Pendant is a rare case of where my equipment has no scrolls on it yet. Readers with a perceptive observation would immediately notice that it has one failed slot on it, but nothing Clean Slates can't fix. My Ani Pendant (together with my Rex's Perfect Red Earrings) functions as a backup for Incredible Chaos Scrolls of Goodness (ICOG) from events, in case I wouldn't have any available slots left on equips I would be scrolling at that very time (i.e. Amaterasu's Hat having no available slots left while I have no mesos to purchase loads of Clean Slates) and to prevent the ICOG go to waste given it's usual expiration date of only 7 days.

Anyway, the % Item Droprate is just a small sidetrack in my build. By the time I have Level 2 Mu Gong in my Soul Collector, there's little use for me to keep those lines any longer. I will have to recube these items to perfection one day, y'know?

That's it for this small blogpost - I'll see you guys again next post!

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