June 08, 2017

[EMS] Bunny Disguise III - Finished scrolling!

Hi guys! For a change, it's not a Zipangu-related equip - I have finished scrolling my Bunny Disguise III (BD3)!

BD3 is a fun and interesting Face Accessory that in EMS still holds a formidable value even though it's older than the Potential System (which came out in 2010). Why so? Not only was this one of the first third Potential tiered Face Accessories, it is still rare to see five slots on a Face (excluding hammers) and it's even more rare to see a Face item to give % HP and MP! Of course, there is also a Bunny Disguise 1 and 2, but as expected by their indicated number, they are both weaker than the third edition.

Did you know that this Bunny Disguise 3 is one of the oldest equipment, if not, the oldest equip I still use on Rayque? The second oldest should be my original Adventurer's Critical Ring from the Balance Patch in 2010. This BD3 was obtained from the 2009 birthday event where you could find purple boxes from any mob and had a small chance of finding one of the three Bunny Disguises. Eight hours of good old Lupin farming and spamming Shout did the job.
A good BD3 in EMS can go for a small fortune quite easy as it has nearly always been since late 2009.

Anyway, like any other "generic Rayque equipment", it is upgraded with Miracle Positive Chaos Scrolls (aka Incredible Chaos Scroll of Goodness in EMS) and resulted in a whopping 15 attack! But wait, this item does not come with any attack clean what so ever... How does that work? Well, my fellow reader, it's something I call "Attack Manipulation", which essentially means you either use Additional Options or sacrifice the first slot with an Accessory for Attack and fully scroll the remaining slots with ICOGs. Because I plan things a few years ahead, the attack was obviously RNG'd with Additional Options so I had the full ICOG experience...

Of course no Enhancements on this one any time soon. I won't bother to explain this over and over again, please read the second last part of this blogpost if you really want to know more about "why".

That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!