October 01, 2014

[Lego] Work in Progress: STAR WARS™ Hailfire Droid - Take 4

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Hi guys! It has been a while since my last update (only) about my Hailfire Droid. There has been some improvements in the shape of the Hailfire Droid.

Currently the start of the Hailfire Droid's tail. The bottom starts round-shaped before it becomes a narrow triangle-shaped near the top.
Keep in mind that there isn't really much to update about the Hailfire Droid's mechanisms, however changing the shape (as for adding more bricks) will influence the weight. Currently there's slightly more unbalance when flicking the directions, because I've been starting on the tail. Because I haven't really changed the counterweight on the back, it would mean the weight on the back has yet to be balanced again - I would rebalance the Hailfire Droid only when the tail is technically finished.

The first notable thing from the front is that the head has been improved. In previous versions, I've used several inverted slopes to create a narrow curve (similar to the source material). However, when I managed to fill the gaps, it seemed a bit off. So I removed the inverted slopes, and by surprise, I actually felt comfortable with it. I also filled the gap between the two smaller eyes, because it was lacking in the previous version. Most people don't know that the middle eye is actually its main eye!
As I've mentioned earlier, I'm totally aware of the ridiculous off-scale with the Hailfire Droid, but I'm totally fine with it being like this.

Just to note again about the wheels. Some people ask me why I've been still using premade wheels and not building a custom frame with threads. This is the explanation why I'm still using these wheels:

Using the single-piece wheels with the inner and outer gear racks are actually more of a challenge than creating a custom chassis with threads, because threads tend do be flat and these wheels have a fine fillet which makes it "nearly impossible" for the wheels to stand on the ground without a support. The inner gear racks are for most people hard to connect with standard Lego® gears, and consider the frame for the wheels are angled in an "odd" angle for Lego® standards, and the motors that powers both wheels are facing the inner gear rack. This would make it even harder to make the gears clutch well together without any form of backlash.
In addition to that, the Hailfire Droid actually have its wheels in an angle, which wouldn't really work with flat threads and having the fillet on the premade wheels will actually even have less surface for the Hailfire Droid to balance on, making it more challenging and more impressive if you can pull it off.

I'm also not ok with building on threads to be used for rolling, unless I would use the Mindstorms EV3 "thread rubbers", but those only come in red for now. I just don't like to build on threads that will roll by motors purely because of the quicker damage due to rolling on a surface. Also using these thread rubbers will make balancing much easier because the wheels would have more friction on the surface.

That's it for now! I'll actually make a new blogpost for my Constructor soon, to keep you guys updated. Until next post!

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