November 27, 2016

[EMS] Veteran Hunter GET!

Hi guys! Perhaps a little less significant of a blogpost but still one I feel is worthy to tick off my achievement list.

Today I managed to get the Veteran Hunter Medal, which is essentially an in-game achievement for defeating 100.000 enemies around your level within 30 days. Which is a lot. Like, really a lot.

This challenge has been around in the game for years, but similar to the Diligent Explorer, I pushed it back for years as well because I just can't get myself to start the challenge even if it's clear I can breeze through it when I feel like it.

Because the Haste Event arrived in EMS, I took the opportunity to obtain the Veteran Hunter while doing the Haste Event. The Haste Event requires to defeat almost the same number of monsters as the Veteran Hunter, however, the time you have for it is much more limited because the game requires you to beat 44.444 enemies in the first week and 55.555 in the second (55.555 in the second if you beat the first week, that is). So the event was really the opportunity to get myself to start the timed challenge.

While the loot from this event isn't as rewarding as you'd expect, it's difficult for me to leave an event alone if I can certainly do it haha. Hey, let's be honest here. If I can get my Auf Haven Circlet, my Ribgol Sword, my Level 5 Soul Driver, the Holy Pink Beanity Title and my Hyena, killing almost 100.000 enemies in two weeks shouldn't be a big deal.

So, what you get from this event? A permanent Haste Event chair for bragging rights, some Damage Skin that I won't use (because apparently I'm such a hipster to want to keep using the basic damage skin I've been raised since 2007 to play this game with) and a Title that expires soon... At least I can say: been there, done that!

Even if this Speed Demon expires within a month time, you can't deny that those stats are pretty wow. If I will use this Title for the time being is another thing. Because we all know I don't like to use temporary gear. Unless you're new to this blog or you haven't read any other blogpost where I mentioned that, by coincidence. But now you know for sure.

Perhaps I might consider to start the Diligent Explorer after the 5th Job event, because it's most likely I'm going to farm boxes for hours. And hey, for some days, you can always just AFK on a chair to get the job done...

That's it for today - I'll see you guys again next post!

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